Monday, November 16, 2009

Make a post that incorporates the words “crossover," "Thanksgiving," and "wow."

I'm not sure what crossover has to do with Thanksgiving, but I know that by putting the word crossover in this blog, I am incorporating it in said blog. So, on with the rest of my blog, I suppose. I can't wait for Thanksgiving. My favorite holidays are Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love Thanksgiving, because I love eating turkey, and stuffing, and rolls, and pumpkin pie. For some reason, I only like turkey when it's not gross slimy lunch meat. I only like turkey meat straight from the turkey itself. I also loooooove stuffing!!!! During the summer, I seriously went to Pick N Save, and bought stuffing, and made the whole thing. Stuffing is delicious, but in a turkey, it becomes a thousand times better, because it's kind of mushy because of the turkey juices. WOW, I love food.

Friday, November 13, 2009

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be and why?

I would eat the hot beef meal from Andy's. It is a shredded beef sandwich, with mashed potatoes and gravy, and the gravy is on the potatoes and the sandwich. It is delicious, and if I could only eat hot beef for the rest of my life, I'd be just fine.
Although, if I could choose two, I'd have to also choose BBQ & chips from Andy's. It's like a manwich with potato chips. Also, heavenly, and also exclusively at Andy's Drive-In. :D

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bdubs, Where Have You Gone?

Up until recent, on a half day, everyone went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch. But now, it gets too busy, due to Boneless Thursdays, and everyone goes to Noodles & Company, or Jimmy Johns. This is the most depressing thing in the world, because I just discovered Buffalo Wild Wings, and now no one wants to go anymore.
And, to top it off, I even ask people outside of St. Joe's to go with me to bdubs, and they are all busy. I think what I need is an imaginery friend who I can take everywhere with me. Although, people might stare at me, which would be problematic, because I'm majorly paranoid about everything, and if I think someone is staring at me, or that someone is talking to me, I freak out. Maybe I can just force someone to go with me, using my Jedi Mind Powers. :]

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Superman vs. Darth Vadar - Superman would win, no doubt. Darth Vadar might have light sabers, but Superman can fly. Also, Superman is amazing, and his muscles are wonderful, and Darth Vadar is ugly.

Superman vs. The Guy From Man VS. Wild - Superman would win, but I think it would be a good fight. The guy from man vs. wild would try to skin a bear, or eat a bug, and Superman would throw him into a wall.

Harry Potter vs. Mace Windu - Harry Potter would win, because Mace Windu is lame. Without his character, he is just a guy, Harry Potter is magical.

Edward Cullen vs. Harry Potter - Harry Potter would beat Edward Cullen, because although Edward is rock hard and super fast, Harry Potter has a wand, he also beat he who must not be named. It would be an awesome fight, though, because they are both so beautiful. :]

Spock vs. Darth Vadar - Spock always wins. Unless you're playing Rock Paper Scissors Lizzard Spock, where paper disproves Spock. :D

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What is censorship? Discuss the pros and or cons of censoring material, especially for people under the age of 18. When is it appropriate?

Censorship is blocking certain things, like TV shows, or music, because it is innappropriate for people under a certain age. The pros for censorship are that some material may be too much for some people to handle. Many books or movies have things that 13 year olds shouldn't be learning about, so censorship would partially stop those kids from reading about them. The cons, however, are that many people can handle it, and for a book to be censoreds defeats the purpose of reading to become more knowledgable.
I personally don't like the idea of censorship, for people any age. People write things because they want them to be read, and interpreted. If they get censored, the writer as a whole gets knocked down, because people can't read their books. I don't think censorship should ever be appropriate, and if anyone tried to censor a book that I wrote, or even that I just really loved, I would fight for it, because I believe that books are written for a reason, and they shouldn't be taken away.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What do you think would be worse---to be blind or to be deaf? Explain

Being blind would be so much worse than being deaf. When you're deaf, you can't hear, but you can read lips, and you can write things or do sign language. When you're blind, however, you can't see, so you have to rely on seeing eye dogs and other people so that you don't get hit by a car, or something awful.
Never being able to see would be the worst thing that I think could ever happen to a person. The world is such a beautiful place, and knowing that many people can't see all the wonderful things that inhabit this earth depresses me. When you're deaf, you may not be able to hear the waves crashing, but at least you can watch the sunset over the ocean.

Also, just to put it out there, I love you Ms. Schultz! Thank you for not sucking and going to Key Club on Friday, so that we can also not suck and also attend it. :]

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Why do you think it is that some people work so hard and others hardly work?

I believe that some work so hard and some hardly work becuase the world couldn't function any other way. For there to be hard workers, you have to be able to compare them to slackers, otherwise no one would be praised for their hard work. There is a quote from The Incredibles when Syndrome captures Mr. Incredible, and states "if everyone's super, no one will be." I believe this is true, because you can't have everyone be hard works, or everyone be slackers, or we wouldn't have the functioning society that we live in today.